Debug Exception in Xcode
Debugging exception information in Xcode with lldb. Print in the command window.
Strongly typed Table View Cells to make your life easier
Lots of people seem to be having problems with designing and implementing easy to use and easy to maintain table view cells, for use in a UITableView on iOS. There is actually quite a nice way to make your life easy. In this article I’ll show the basic technique on how to do it. We…
Face detection with Core Image on Live Video
In this article I will explain how to do face detection on a live video feed using an iOS 5 device. We will be using Core Image to do the heavy lifting. The code is loosely based on the SquareCam sample code from Apple. To get started, we need to show the live video of…
Where is MainWindow.xib in Xcode 4.2?
In one of my previous posts I explained how to create your own MainWindow.xib User Interface Document. I’ve now also created a screencast that guides you through the process. It is actually no longer necessary to use this. I personally think it is easier just to create your application from code, however it is useful…
Which books to read: Getting started with iOS development
In this article I want to give some advice as to which books will help you greatly in getting up to speed on iOS development. I browsed through many books while preparing the iOS development curriculum. First things first: Objective-C By far the best book I’ve seen is this one: Learning Objective-C 2.0 by Robert…
[Update: I added a screencast of the process] [Update: Interesting discussion of this post over on StackOverflow] In the XCode 4.2 beta, MainWindow.xib is no longer included by default in some project templates. This means that you have to get your application to work by writing some code, using another method, or by manually reconstructing…