Brand new wireless router – WRT54G2 + DD-WRT
Last week, my old wireless router died on me. Actually the power supply stopped working. It was a topcom router, I bought at aldi, for just under 80€ a little more than three years ago. So the warranty had only just expired for a couple of months. It had been acting strang lately, losing dns-caches…
Progressive .NET Exchange
On 11, 12 and 13 May 2 colleagues and I went to london for the Progressive .NET exchange organized by Skills Matter. It turned out to be a very interesting conference, with many renowned speakers from the open source .net scene. The conference had 2 concurrent tracks to choose from. On the first day I…
Cloud Computing Full Circle
Cloud computing is a model where big corporations host and manage an IT-infrastructure (and offer services to clients, obviously). These big corporations have to invest heavily in big en powerful data centers to be able to host Internet-scale applications. At work, we have been investigating and discussing Azure, which is Microsofts future cloud offering, in…
Cheap phonecalls
Today I came across an interesting offering: cheapvoip.com This is a provider of voip telephony. This makes it possible to call fixed landlines in belgium for free from a computer (free software client, comparable to skype) or supported sip enabled device. In practice this means anyone can call me for free (you have to create…
Beste wensen
2009 is bijna daar. Beste wensen aan iedereen!
Google Friend Connect
I’ve just integrated google friend-connect into my wordpress blog. I wonder if anyone will join my site. If you’re interested in my blog, please do so.