Fullscreen background plugin now in WordPress repository

I finally took the time to put the plugin I wrote in the wordpress plugin repository. This makes it even easier to set it up on your Blog.

Simply go to the administration area of your blog, go to the Plugins section and click Add New. There you search for “Full screen background” and normally the first hit should be my plugin.

The next step is to activate it, and change the image you want to show. You do this by editing one line in the source of the plugin. You can do this by clicking the Edit link next to the plugin in the list of active plugins. The line you have to change is indicated with a html comment. Change the src attribute of the img element. That’s it.

Please provide feedback if it works or doesn’t work for you. Thanks!

12 responses to “Fullscreen background plugin now in WordPress repository”

  1. Jan Avatar

    i’ve expirienced problems with your \fullscreen background\ plugin and \FancyBox for WordPress\ plugin. When both plugins are activatetd, FancyBox for WordPress doesn’t work anymore. If your plugin is deactivated, FancyBox for WordPress works again.


    Thanks for your help.

  2. Jeroen Trappers Avatar

    Hi Jan,

    thanks for the feedback, I’ll look into it.
    kind regards,

  3. V Avatar


    I have a theme which lets me have one default background image which is stretched across the screen using the jQuery Backstretch thingy. Now I was looking to have a series of say 5-6 or even more BGs changing like a slideshow instead. So is it possible to tweak ur code such that u can define more than one image as the BG, and secondly add transition between 2 images?

    1. Jeroen Trappers Avatar

      That is certainly possible. There are probably other plugins that do that.

  4. cristian Avatar

    this plugin need some css code? dont work in my theme.

    1. Jeroen Trappers Avatar

      no extra css is required. The only thing you need to do is select an image. If you can see a background image (for example at the level of body) this plugin should work for you. Is your site public, than I could have a quick look.

  5. Lydie Vachon Avatar
    Lydie Vachon

    I don’t understand how to change the src attribute. Could you please explain me? Because the link of my picture doesn’t seem to work, and i guess it’s because i haven’t changed the src attributes…
    Thank you!

  6. Francis Avatar

    Hi Jeroes,

    first of all thanks for this clever plugin. I’m having an issue with internet Explorer 7 and 8 that don’t seem to work. See http://api.browsershots.org/png/original/d9/d9476a269637d45cd01180891d5b5cde.png for IE8 and http://www.stadt-als-buehne.ch for the original website.

    I’ll have look into this myself and let you know, if any details emerge. Best Francis

    1. Francis Avatar

      The problem obviously occurs because another plugin (contact form 7) calls jquery ver 1.4.4 in the header while your script calls the most recent jquery from googleapis.

  7. URK Avatar

    great plugin – exactly what i was looking for – quick question though, is there a way to adjust the position of where it reads the background? Currently it looks like it is set at top & left – i am looking to position it at bottom and center. Any thoughts?


    1. URK Avatar

      wow – fixed it myself 30 seconds later – nevermind!

  8. Andres Avatar

    Hello, first of all thanks for this excellent plugin. It would be possible to change images every so often random. Thank you.

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